Concrete & mortar improvement isomix resin sbr 400 1kg
Concrete & mortar improvement isomix resin sbr 400 1kg
Concrete & mortar improvement isomix resin sbr 400 1kg
ISOMIX RESIN SBR 400 is a new nanotechnology concentratedreinforcing latex and admixture. It is based on pure syntheticresins and nano – microtechnology particles. It is ideal for theimprovement of the adhesion, waterproofing, flexibility andworkability of cement admixtures, plasters etc.ADVANTAGES New nano –micro technology Strong adhesion to old and new concrete, steel, wood andusual building surfaces. Waterproofing of cement admixtures Crack prevention Diminished shrinkage during drying of cement admixtures Improved frost resistance Improved mechanical properties Improved water, oil and chemical resistance High impact and wear resistance High elasticity (at high resin addition) Improved workability with concurrent water content Does not require antifoam