Diffuser tabac & cedarwood 250ml


Diffuser tabac & cedarwood 250ml

from €27.90 to - 25% - 25% €20.93
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Item No. 49d6d1d1-5d55-47ea-ac92-acc2e16d3d63
Quality is timeless. That’s what makes the Smith & Co. range so universally appealing. Presented in stylish vintage-inspired vessels, Smith & Co. evokes an era when life was simpler and the pace was slower; when we valued craftsmanship, functionality and longevity.

A woody, herbaceous mix of Leather and Tabac, complemented by Citrusy Orange and warm base notes of Cedarwood. It’s an earthy combination inspired by the deep, rich aroma of leathers in a saddle-maker’s workshop
