Swan enamel aqua for wood and metal 750ml white


Swan enamel aqua for wood and metal 750ml white



Item No. 74f881bb-cff6-49ec-8189-47ce42aca7ee

SWAN ENAMEL AQUA is premium quality water-based enamel paint, based on new technology environmentally and user friendly raw materials. It is suitable for exterior and interior use. It does not contain dangerous substances, such as heavy metals, free formaldehyde, aromatic solvents. It is suitable for wooden surfaces such as doors, windows, cupboards etc. as well as metallic surfaces. It offers very good coverage, excellent surface adhesion properties and a smooth finish. It is resistant to water, extreme weather conditions and atmospheric pollution.


Waterbased – environmentally and user friendly
2 in 1 application on wood and metal
Excellent adhesion
Excellent coverage
Smooth finish
Easy application
Excellent resistance extreme weather conditions and frequent washing
Colour stability
Lead free


It is suitable for wooden surfaces such as doors, windows, cupboards etc.
It is suitable for metallic surfaces such as doors, windows, rails etc.

Coverage: 10 - 12 m2/Lt
Thinning: with clean water
Application: Brush, roller or Spray Gun
Application: by roller
Touch dry: 1 - 2 hours 20oC
Hard dry: 12 hours 20oC
Used for: Interior and Exterior

Application temperature: 10oC - 35oC

Cleaning: with water

Surface Preparation

All surfaces must be sanded, dry and clean from dirt, rust, grease, loose paint etc.
Metallic surfaces must be primed with SWAN RUST PRIMER or SWAN ΜΙΝΙΟ.
Wooden surfaces must be treated first with wood preservative XYLOFARM and then leveled with TEMPO WOOD PUTTY. For perfectly smooth surfaces apply two coats of SWAN VELATURA.


Apply one or two coats of SWAN ENAMEL AQUA.

WARNING: Treatment of old surfaces such as dry sanding, flame cutting and/or welding of the dry paint film will give rise to dust and/or hazardous fumes. Lead dust may be released. Lead is toxic. Exposure to lead dust can cause serious illness. Wet sanding/flatting should be used wherever possible. If exposure cannot be avoided by the provision of local exhaust ventilation, suitable respiratory protective equipment should be used.
