Concrete & mortar improvement isomix resin sbr 400 1kg

Concrete & mortar improvement isomix resin sbr 400 1kg



Item No. c8bc0824-485b-4588-a57f-18f2bb49eecf

ISOMIX RESIN SBR 400 is a new nanotechnology concentrated
reinforcing latex and admixture. It is based on pure synthetic
resins and nano – microtechnology particles. It is ideal for the
improvement of the adhesion, waterproofing, flexibility and
workability of cement admixtures, plasters etc.
 New nano –micro technology
 Strong adhesion to old and new concrete, steel, wood and
usual building surfaces.
 Waterproofing of cement admixtures
 Crack prevention
 Diminished shrinkage during drying of cement admixtures
 Improved frost resistance
 Improved mechanical properties
 Improved water, oil and chemical resistance
 High impact and wear resistance
 High elasticity (at high resin addition)
 Improved workability with concurrent water content
 Does not require antifoam
